Kansas City Entrepreneurship News

Read about great things going on for businesses in the Kansas City area.

Business Growth, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

ScaleUP! Kansas City Reveals Seventh Cohort of Business Owners

Meet the next 18 ScaleUP! KC companies that will get the community, confidence and curriculum they need to accelerate their...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Marketing/Sales, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

Digital Sandbox KC Companies to Watch in 2018

These companies were kick started with support from Digital Sandbox KC and are gearing up to have quite the year.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Second Stage, Startup

Tips on Scaling Your Business from a $40 Million Entrepreneur

What does it take to seriously grow your business? Learn from Alex Brown, co-founder of the Dollar Beard Club.

Business Growth, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Networking, Second Stage, Startup

This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Kaitlyn Mrasek.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Second Stage, Startup

How Digital Sandbox Helps Entrepreneurs Thrive Across Kansas City

Digital Sandbox KC is teaming up with cities across the metro to help more entrepreneurs grow their businesses and impact:...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Marketing/Sales, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Second Stage, Startup

Digital Sandbox KC Companies Continue to Scale as Program Expands

Learn how many jobs Digital Sandbox KC companies have created. Plus follow-on investment, sales and much more in the 2017...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Networking, Nonprofit Development, Second Stage, Startup

This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Leslie Walton

Business Growth, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurs in Action, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

Your 10 Favorite Entrepreneurs in Action in 2017

Kansas City entrepreneurs (and the ecosystem that supports them) had quite the year. See which stories you couldn't get enough...