Get a free plan that can help you start or grow your business or side hustle
Are you a business owner or do you aspire to be one? Do you need a little (or a lot) of business help to launch or grow that business or side hustle?
Well, your search ends here! KCSourceLink is ready to craft your customized Personal Action Plan (a complimentary personalized checklist) that will steer you in the right direction, guiding you on what steps to take and connecting you with the right business experts and organizations to fuel the growth of your business. It’s free, friendly, quick and customized to your unique needs, right when you need it.
Let’s get started!
To personalize your checklist of who can get you the business help you need, we need a little information about you and your business:
- Who you are (some resources are based on your industry and demographics)
- Which city you live in (some resources are specific to location)
- What do you need (some people know exactly what they need and some don’t. No worries! If you can’t pinpoint what you need, call us at 816-235-6500, and a real person at our office in Kansas City will talk it out with you.)
And did we mention this?: All of our services are FREE. (In fact, KCSourceLink is a grant- and community-funded nonprofit that is striving to help make Kansas City the most entrepreneurial city!)
Your Personal Action Plan is just the beginning! Anytime you have a question or concern about funding, marketing, business plans, startup assistance, mentors, taxes, legal issues, hiring, exporting, franchising or anything else related to your business, contact us. We have real people in Kansas City to answer your calls and questions 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday: 816-235-6500.
Whether you’re starting a side hustle, growing a business or just have an idea sketched on a napkin that you’d like to test out, KCSourceLink is ready to connect you with the next steps and next resources to take your Kansas City business to the next level.
Share this with a doer, dreamer or maker you know who needs a little extra (ahem, FREE) help.