Welcome to #BuyKC
When you buy from a local business or hire a KC company, you help build opportunities, communities and our local economy.
361 items in 37 page(s)
361 items in 37 page(s)
Why #BuyKC?
Why should you choose to shop or source local first?
- 45% of your dollars stay local, as compared to 17% with chains.
- 250% more is contributed to community causes by small business.
- Unique businesses create our city’s character. Think about: when was the last time you took a selfie at a big box chain?
- The negative environmental impact of a big box store can be much greater than from shops on “Main Street”.
- Most new jobs are supplied by local businesses. From 2016 to 2020, new KC businesses with fewer than 20 employees created 60% of all new jobs in the area.
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Why Local Matters and Fact Sheet
- SCORE, Small Business Charitable Giving – Big Impact on Local Communities
- KCSourceLink, We Create Jobs