Kansas City Entrepreneurship News

Read about great things going on for businesses in the Kansas City area.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurs in Action, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Startup

Celebrate Black History Month with 1 Million Cups Kansas City

Each Wednesday in February, black founders will present their businesses and journeys on the #1MCKC stage. Join us to celebrate!

Business Growth, Entrepreneurs in Action, Funding and Finances, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

MD HomeCare Brings the Doctor to You and Their Business to a New Level

As a part of 1 Million Cups' Black History Month celebration, Cristina Betts presented how her her business is growing,...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Second Stage, Startup

How KCSourceLink Helped KC Entrepreneurship Grow in 2017

Entrepreneurs are at the center of all we do here at KCSourceLink: they are our passion and our mission. For the...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Innovation-Led, Legal Issues, Main Street, Microenterprise, Nonprofit Development, Second Stage, Startup

Why Your Business Needs Policies and How to Make Them Less Awful

Well-written policies are hardly the most exciting parts of growing a business. But crafting them may be one of the...

Business Growth, Entrepreneurial Community, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Investor Education, Second Stage, Startup

Kansas City Watch List 2018: Startups and Scaling Businesses

Check out these 34 Kansas City startups that are charging into 2018 with the backing of investors and a passion...

Business Growth, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurs in Action, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Second Stage, Startup

Show Me the Money: KC Startups That Received Funding in January

Each month, we highlight the businesses in Kansas City that are receiving funding and making all the right moves to...

Entrepreneurs in Action, Innovation-Led, Startup

Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Support From Whiteboard2Boardroom

iSocial is a curriculum designed by MU researchers to help children with autism spectrum disorder cultivate better social skills. Bob...


Big Ideas at InvestMidwest this March

The 19th annual InvestMidwest will be held on March 28-29, 2018 at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark.