Kansas City Entrepreneurship News

Read about great things going on for businesses in the Kansas City area.

Business Growth, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Nonprofit Development, Second Stage, Startup

Share Your Entrepreneurial Insight with the Kansas State Government

The Enterprise Center in Johnson County is spearheading the Kauffman Foundation’s Entrepreneurs’ Policy Network and wants to take your voice...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Investor Education, Second Stage, Startup

Show Me the Money: KC Startups That Received Funding in February

Each month, we highlight the businesses in Kansas City that are receiving funding and making all the right moves to...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Networking, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

5 Things We Read on the Internet about Entrepreneurs for Women’s History Month

From tips on growing your network, to podcasts featuring women business owners, here are a few quick reads just for...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Shop Local, Startup

Doing Business in Style with Jordan D. Williams of Keefe Cravat

Jordan started his business with $10 and a box of discarded neckties in his mom's basement. In March, he's launching...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Nonprofit Development, Second Stage, Startup

This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Leslie Walton.

Business Planning, Main Street, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Startup, Women and Business

Unlocking the Power of Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business after Prison

New program helps people returning home from incarceration start businesses and reenter society.

Business Planning, Entrepreneurs in Action, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Second Stage

Playing their A-Game

2017 KC Chamber Small Business of the Year, Alpha Energy and Electric is well connected--because they made it a point...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurs in Action, Innovation-Led, Startup

Whiteboard2Boardroom Accelerates Innovations for Commercialization

W2B identifies homegrown innovations from research institutions and matches them with entrepreneurs who can take them to market. Here are...