Kansas City Entrepreneurship News

Read about great things going on for businesses in the Kansas City area.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Shop Local, Startup

This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Leslie Walton.

Business Planning, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Microenterprise, Startup, Tax Planning

Money Smart Month Events for Kansas City Entrepreneurs

Most startups are funded by the entrepreneur or their friends and family. Before you start a business, take charge of...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Startup

Guest post: 4 Tips to Increase Your E-Commerce Sales

Arina Thoggy, marketing whiz, has four ways for you to improve your online business and sales in a snap.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Investor Education, Second Stage, Startup

Update on Funding Available to Kansas City Entrepreneurs and Businesses

Investors and organizations across the Kansas City region have rallied to improve access to capital for area entrepreneurs. See the...

Business Growth, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Startup

How to Prepare Your Pitch

The Kansas City University Venture Fund is looking for scalable businesses to apply pitch for $15,000 to $100,000 checks at...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurs in Action, Funding and Finances, Innovation-Led, International Ties, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Multicultural Entrepreneurs, Networking, Second Stage, Shop Local, Startup, Women and Business

Long read: Kansas City Women Entrepreneurs Speak Out

On International Women’s Day, we convened a panel of women business owners in KC to discuss the highs and lows...

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Community, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Microenterprise, Networking, Second Stage, Startup

This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Leslie Walton.

Business Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurs in Action, Main Street, Marketing/Sales, Networking, Second Stage, Startup, Women and Business

How Stephanie Sage Built Her Business and Why Other Women Should, Too

See how Stephanie Sage grew her business and is now using that success to help women in Kansas City consider...