America’s Seed Fund Road Tour – Midwest 2023 | Kansas City, MO

America’s Seed Fund Road Tour 2023 - Midwest is a national outreach effort connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technologies to the country's largest source of early-stage funding - the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Also known as America's Seed Fund, these programs provide...


Millions of Dollars of Early-Stage Startup Funding Left on Table, Report Finds

Early-stage startups create nearly 80% of net new jobs in Missouri, according to a new report. So why are they facing gaps in the debt and equity finance system?


Jill Meyer Tapped for New Position to Lead UMKC Innovation Center Tech as KC Tech Sector Grows

Jill Meyer will lead the UMKC Innovation Center's current early-venture initiatives, including Digital Sandbox KC, Whiteboard2Boardroom, KCInvestED and SBIR/STTR programs.


This Week: Classes and Events to Grow your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar—recommended events and classes for growing your Kansas City-based business or startup from network navigator, Leslie Walton.