21JunJune 21, 2018 How a Corporate Lawyer Became a KC Syrup Maker, Cocktail Chemist David Cawthon2018-06-21T09:01:00-05:00Cheryl Bisbee of Boozy Botanicals quit her corporate job and overcame the obstacles to start something delicious in Kansas City. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email By David CawthonBusiness Growth, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurs in Action, Main Street, Microenterprise, Shop Local, Startup, Women and Businessalcohol, booze, boozy botanicals, bottle, box set, canning, cheryl bisbee, cocktail, distribution, drink, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Community, entrepreneurship in Kansas City, flavor, flavored syrup, food product, food startup, how to start a business, Main Street, maker, Microenterprise, packaging, product, recipe, Shop Local, small business, start a business in kansas city, start a business in kc, start a food business, Startup, syrup0 Comments Read more...