Tag - email marketing

eMail Marketing and CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing)

We will discuss implementing an eMail Marketing campaign – the most cost-effective tool in your marketing kit. We will do a deep dive between an email platform and CRM, your customer relationship marketing program. We will also look at the differences between the two programs and how to turn prospects...


Square One – AI and Email Marketing Campaigns (Hybrid)

If you're looking to build an effective email marketing campaign, AI technology can be extremely beneficial. Join our Business Specialist as they walk you through databases and resources needed to reach your audience. This program will be held in person as well as virtually via Zoom simultaneously. Please indicate whether you...


4 Marketing Hacks to Help Your Business Reach More Customers during COVID-19

When times are tough, here's how four easy marketing hacks can help your small business attract more customers.


Growth Hacking: How It Works, What It Costs and How to Build a Strategy (Part 2)

In Part 2 of our series on growth hacking, learn how it works, how much it costs and how to build a strategy that works for your business.


Find New Customers: How to Grow Your Small Business by Gaining More Consumers

In this two-part guide, learn the ins and outs of customer acquisition, what it is, why it's vital to your bottom line and how you can make it happen.


This Week: Classes and Events to Grow Your Kansas City Business

Grab your business calendar. Network Navigator Leslie Walton recommends these events and classes to grow your Kansas City business or startup.