10JulJuly 10, 2018 How a Paralegal-Turned-Etsy-Seller Grew an Entrepreneurial Community for Creatives in KC David Cawthon2018-07-10T08:02:00-05:00Community builder and maker Katie Mabry van Dieren saw the Kansas City climate was ripe for growing a real-world community of makers. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email By David CawthonBusiness Growth, Entrepreneurial Community, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurs in Action, Main Street, Microenterprise, Networking, Nonprofit Development, Shop Local, Startup, Women and Businesscraft fair, Entrepreneurial Community, etsy, found a nonprofit in kansas city, how to found a nonprofit in kansas city, indie craft fair, kansas city craft fair, kansas city crafts, kansas city creatives, kansas city makers, kansas city racial divide, kc nonprofit, Made in KC, Main Street, maker, makers in kansas city, makers in kc, makerspace, Microenterprise, sell online, Shop Local, Startup, strawberry swing, troost avenue, troost market collective0 Comments Read more...