Become A Camera Confident CEO- Amplify Your Message & Make Your Mark!


Welcome to The Speak & Grow Rich Masterclass for CEOs who want to amplify their message, gain camera confidence, and Make Their Mark. I'm Coach Queen, and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this fiery and amazing journey. I believe that if you've got something to say, it's time to make sure it reaches […]

Accessing Capital & Building Banking Partners

Pathway Financial Eduation 1520 E 18th Street, Kansas City, MO +1 more

A two-part series that prepares you to navigate the loan application process, understand lender criteria and risk assessments and plan for capital access realistically.


How Conscious Business Leaders Conquer Overwhelm


Does your day often start with a to-do list that never seems to end? Are you striving to grow your business but end up in analysis paralysis? You’re not alone. These are familiar challenges for purpose-driven business owners, but we have the solution. Key Insights Explore effective methods to manage and reduce business overwhelm Design […]

Square One – Build Your Business Plan


In this five-week activity-based workshop, participants will learn how to create a business plan using Gale’s Plan Builder database. Week 4: Business Plan What are you planning for? Some businesses use plans for internal purposes, and others use them for getting bank loans or investors. Participants will learn how to structure their business plan for […]


New Venture Nuggets


Who: Entrepreneurs ready to start or ready to learn what you might have missed at the start How: These virtual sessions are available through Zoom. There is no fee, but pre-registration is required. The class takes place on five consecutive Tuesdays from Noon to 1pm. Week 1: Definition of a business and the “startup loop […]

Square One – Build Your Business Plan


In this five-week activity-based workshop, participants will learn how to create a business plan using Gale’s Plan Builder database. Week 3. Break-Even Analysis What is the cost of doing business? The break-even point is when your business can support itself through sales alone. Using an expenses worksheet and sales forecasts, participants will determine their break-even […]


The Importance of Working Capital for Sales Growth & Global Market Success


Join the S.B.A. and a roundtable of experts on financing as we discuss the importance of working capital and how effective utilization of working capital can facilitate profitability and growth and enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. small businesses. This is free event is for businesses, banks, and counselors to gain a better understanding and […]


Unicorn Pitches in SaaS+AI+CyberSecurity+Fintech+Military Tech


Welcome to the new season of the US Unicorn Pitches– part of the World’s Largest Startup Pitch Contest where famous VCs and Business Angels meet extraordinary Startups from all over the world! We welcome any Startup from Seed and above that has the potential to become a Unicorn. The following industries are included: SaaS, AI, […]


Square One – Build Your Business Plan


In this five-week activity-based workshop, participants will learn how to create a business plan using Gale’s Plan Builder database. Week 2: Business Ideation Do you have a feasible business idea? Using the lean business model canvas from The Lean Startup, participants will develop and refine their business idea by identifying a problem they can solve […]


Become A Camera Confident CEO- Amplify Your Message & Make Your Mark!


Welcome to The Speak & Grow Rich Masterclass for CEOs who want to amplify their message, gain camera confidence, and Make Their Mark. I'm Coach Queen, and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this fiery and amazing journey. I believe that if you've got something to say, it's time to make sure it reaches […]

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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.