12SepSeptember 12, 2022 Are You the Small Business Person of the Year? Nominations Open for KS, MO David Cawthon2022-09-12T14:44:00-05:00Submit your nomination for the SBA's Small Business Person of the Year. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email By David CawthonBusiness Growth, Business Planning, Innovation-Led, Main Street, Microenterprise, Second Stage, Startup8a Graduate of the Year, Dwight D Eisenhower Awards for Excellence, Innovation-Led, kansas, Main Street, Microenterprise, missouri, national small business week awards, nsbw awards, phoenix awards for disaster recovery, sba small business of the year, sba small business of the year kansas, sba small business of the year missouri, sba small business person of the year, Second Stage, Small Business Development Center Excellence and Innovation Center Award, Small business exporter of the year, small business prime contractor of the year, small business subcontractor of the year, Startup, Veterans Business Outreach Center of the Year, Women’s Business Center of Excellence Award0 Comments Read more...