Holy Rosary Credit Union
Our members are not only members of a financial institution, they are members of the HRCU family. We seek not only to provide financial services, but to empower our members to be in control of their finances. We do this by overcoming language barriers, offering opportunities for education, and creating a mutual trust between our staff and our members.
Holy Rosary Credit Union has often been called “the melting pot credit union” over its 73-year history. Since it was organized in 1943, the credit union has experienced the arrival of many different ethnic groups into the field of membership. Though our members have diverse backgrounds, they either share a bond of the Catholic faith, or a connection to nonprofit and needs-based organizations in the area.Services Provided
Financial Resources and Assistance
- Budget, Financial Statement and Cash Flow Training (Specialty)
- Loan Providers (Specialty)
- Obtaining Debt Funding (Specialty)
- Real Estate Finance (Specialty)
- Bookkeeping/Accounting Software Training
- Budget, Cash Flow and Financial Statements Training
- One-on-One Counseling
Contact Information
Brandy Parks
Brandy Parks
533 Campbell St.
Kansas City, MO 64106
533 Campbell St.
Kansas City, MO 64106
8132212734108 Ext: 108
8132212734108 Ext: 108
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