Fire Up Your New Business with These Hot Kansas City Entrepreneur Classes, Workshops

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Fire Up Your New Business with These Hot Kansas City Entrepreneur Classes, Workshops

There’s no way around it: Starting a new business is a lot of work. Fortunately, Kansas City is filled with experts ready to lend a helping hand.

This summer, KCSourceLink’s Resource Partners are offering a ton of classes and events to help you build your new venture. Whether you’re starting from scratch or already have a business in progress, these tools and tricks of the trade can provide a solid foundation and help you reach new heights.

VetBiz | Activate

Who’s it for? People who have an idea for a small business.

What is it? Jump start your entrepreneurial journey with this virtual cohort. Weekly sessions during the month of June offer formal instruction from industry leaders and guidance from guest speakers. Individual coaching will help you figure out your business next steps.

When: Thursdays in June, 6 – 8 p.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Acce$$ to Money

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who want to learn how to fund future or existing businesses.

What is it? Get the inside scoop from more than 20 financial professionals. Banks, microlenders, angel investors, professional fundraisers and entrepreneur support organizations will all share their expertise. You’ll walk away knowing your options and understanding what lenders are looking for.

When: Monday, June 5, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Where: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: $20

Apply here.


Missouri SBDC at UMKC | Here’s What You Don’t Know About HR That Could Harm Your Business

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who have employees or may need to hire employees in the future.

What is it? This session will cover employee handbooks, employee classifications, wage and hour laws and more. You’ll learn about hiring, retaining and firing, as well as performance management and HR compliance.

When: Tuesday, June 6, 8:30 – 9:15 a.m.

Where: Husch Blackwell, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


1 Million Cups Kansas City

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who want to connect with other business owners and gain insight on how to improve their ventures.

What is it? Local entrepreneurs give short presentations about their startups to potential partners, mentors and investors. Then, there’s a discussion with feedback and questions. The people presenting and those listening learn about what it takes to build a successful business.

When: Every Tuesday, 9 a.m.

Where: Online and Plexpod Westport Commons, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Simple Steps for Starting your Business – Basics

Who’s it for? Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to explore business ownership.

What is it? This workshop will provide an overview of the skills and tools you need to start a business. You’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business, as well as the most profitable form for your business. The session will also cover organization, marketing, cash flow and funding sources.

When: Tuesday, June 6, 6 – 8:30 p.m.

Where: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


APEX Accelerators | Winning Government Contracts: The First Steps

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs interested in working with the government.

What is it? Learn how to get started with federal, state and local government registrations and certifications. After attending this seminar, a business is eligible for services from APEX (formerly Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Centers).

When: Wednesday, June 7, 9 – 11 a.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


Kind Human Coworking | Strategy Sesh

Who’s it for? Humans who need help brainstorming.

What is it? This session offers the opportunity to talk through a business concept, product idea, fleeting thought or whatever is on your mind. Bring an idea and the group of entrepreneurs and potential customers will workshop it for 20 minutes.

When: Wednesdays at 5 p.m.

Where: Trade Cowork / Kind Human, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: $17 members, $37 nonmembers

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Email and CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Who’s it for? Leaders who want to turn prospects into customers.

What is it? This session will explore the most cost-effective marketing tool: email marketing. Learn how email and CRM work together and how your business can use them to build relationships and increase sales.

When: Thursday, June 8, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Where: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


Missouri SBDC at UMKC | Pitching to Investors

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who need to prepare for meeting investors.

What is it? In this workshop, you’ll learn what investors need to know and want to see before providing capital to a business.

When: Thursday, June 8, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Where: Missouri SBDC at UMKC, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: $49

Apply here.


Startland News’ Startup Crawl

Who’s it for? People who want to learn more about KC’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

What is it? This tour has three stops featuring more than 50 startups and community organizations. You’ll meet people at various stages of their small business journeys and connect with the groups supporting their efforts.

When: Friday, June 9, 5 – 8 p.m.

Where: Spark Coworking Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Grant Prep Boot Camp Workshop

Who’s it for? Leaders who want to explore funding via grants.

What is it? Learn how to research, prepare, write and apply for grants. At the end of this session, you’ll be able to find the right opportunities for your business and you’ll develop a system for completing grant applications.

When: Monday, June 12, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Where: Online or Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: Free

Apply here.


Women’s Business Center | Equity Series: Valuing Startups: More Art than Science?

Who’s it for? Business owners who are considering funding through equity.

What is it? How do market forces impact your valuation? And what methods can help you achieve the right number? In this session, you’ll learn from lawyers specializing in venture capital and emerging growth.

When: Tuesday, June 13, 4 – 5:30 p.m.

Where: Polsinelli, Kansas City, Missouri

Cost: $29

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Business Credit

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who need capital.

What is it? Whether you’re paying business expenses out of your own pocket or just flat out need more funding, this webinar is for you. Learn how to set up and build your business credit. This session will discuss using business credit as leverage with investors and how to prepare for credit limits.

When: Wednesday, June 14, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Market Your Business with Video

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who want more customers.

What is it? This is the decade of the video! More traffic is coming from video, but creating an effective video can be tricky. Learn what programs to use, how to use video with social, ADA compliance, storage and more. You’ll leave this class with an understanding of this important marketing tool.

When: Tuesday, June 20, 1 – 4 p.m.

Where: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center

Cost: Free

Apply here.


Kansas SBDC at JCCC | Business Basics in a Day – How to Start a Business

Who’s it for? Potential entrepreneurs who want to learn how to get started.

What is it? This day-long workshop will cover starting a business from A to Z. Learn how to determine the feasibility of your idea, create a lean canvas and choose a legal entity. The hands-on session will also discuss financial projections, marketing and bookkeeping and include guidance from expert presenters.

When: Wednesday, June 21, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Where: Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kansas

Cost: $75

Apply here.


APEX Accelerators | Small Business Certifications for Federal, State & Local Government Contracts

Who’s it for? Small business owners who want to expand their customer base to include the government.

What is it? Certifications can open a new market for goods and services. Learn about the purpose, eligibility and benefits of certification. This session will cover the application process for certifications for women-, minority- and veteran-owned businesses, as well as disadvantaged business enterprises.

When: Wednesday, June 21, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Accessing Capital in Kansas City

Who’s it for? Entrepreneurs who need to know their funding options.

What is it? Explore how entrepreneurs in KC get their money — and how you can, too. This session will discuss how much money a venture might need as well as the type of capital that’s most appropriate. You’ll learn how to prepare to raise debt or equity capital.

When: Thursday, June 22, 9 – 11 a.m.

Where: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Franchising: Start a Business – Keep Your Day Job!

Who’s it for? People exploring the options for starting a business.

What is it? Learn about semi-absentee ownership and how to decide if franchising is right for you. This session will provide examples of franchise concepts and recession-resistant and/or essential service models. You’ll learn how to research franchise opportunities and cut through the clutter.

When: Wednesday, June 28, 9 – 11 a.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


SCORE KC | Business Law and Related Tax Topics for Emerging Business

Who’s it for? New entrepreneurs who need to know when and how to utilize legal advice.

What is it? Get an understanding of the basic legal issues surrounding business ownership. This session will discuss the law and tax considerations when forming and operating your business. Learn about governing documents, employment issues, bringing on investors and more.

When: Friday, June 30, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Apply here.


Detailed blueprints for small business success

In Kansas City, we have a robust entrepreneurial infrastructure — and you can find it all under one roof at KCSourceLink. When you’re ready to create or expand your business, everything you need is right here:

Classes & Events Calendar: This ever-expanding list includes all the area happenings for KC entrepreneurs.

Personal Action Plan: Get a customized to-do list to help you research and open your venture. Our Network Navigators will create this priceless resource for you — for free.

Resource Navigator: This tool lists hundreds of organizations that can help you meet the people, gain the skills and get the funding your business needs.

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